Dogs have many reasons for barking. It is not always obvious why, but if you open your mind and accept the barking as a means of communication it will be easier for the both of you. NEVER yell at your dog for barking! You always want to encourage communication. As annoying as it might be.

Generally, dog barking can be broken down into three categories: environmental, physical, emotional.

Dogs have incredible hearing. Sometimes your dog will start barking and it will seemingly be at nothing. However, if you listen closely, you will hear a noise in the background. Sometimes it is very faint. A dog barking down the street, a motorcycle in the distance, or a siren barely audible on the other side of the city. Instinctively dogs will bark at these things. Sometimes it is for protection, in which case you gaining Alpha status may stop the barking, but usually its just a dog being a dog. The hear a noise and they bark at it.

Dogs will also bark if they are physically uncomfortable or if they have a lot of pent up energy. Another reason to ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise daily. If your dog is cold, it could start barking out of nowhere confusing all the humans around. There is always a reason for the barking. Few dogs are mentally ill, though it is a possibility, that would be another topic.

Sometimes dogs will obsessively bark at everyone if they feel they need to protect you. This requires deep human emotion -based training and is due to your mistreating the dog, usually by giving it too much affection.

A dog may bark to get your attention because they have an emotional or physical need, such as wanting a snack. Sometimes it is to relieve boredom, frustration, or lack of socialization. First make sure your dog is content by socializing with other dogs and bringing it with you on adventures(e.g. a simple trip to Home Depot could make the dogs week), will help keep the house quiet. If you find your dog’s barking is out of control is in the realm of ‘demand barking’ and its not being neglected, your dog may be due for some behavioral modification. The first step is to simply ignore your dog when it barks. If that does not work, put the dog in a room every-time he/she demand barks. Reward the dog when they quiet down for a minute or two. It will not be long before they realize barking is not getting them what they what. Dogs, at least most of them, are smart.

Next time your dog looks at you and starts barking, try to read the cues and know whether its just cute dog behavior, protective behavior or simply a misbehaved ‘demand barking’ pooch. Contact us if you need more help.

About The Author

Technologist, part-futurist, vintage-restorer, and dog whisperer.

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